Nintendo DS projects

My DS games can be played using a real DS flashcart or an emulator. It's obviously better on the actual hardware!

Inside the Machine (NDS)

Inside the Machine is a DS game I programmed in 2007. It's a simple platformer game composed of 5 levels and 4 bosses. Most of the game is taking place inside the body of a massive creature. Download Sources (rar)

Inside the Machine 2 (NDS)

Inside the Machine 2 is a technical demo. It was suppossed to be a full game but I went on another projects. Download

Natura no Story (NDS)

It's a platformer game with vector graphics rendered by the little DS GPU. Animations are made with Blender and exported to .MD2 (Quake II format). Running at 60fps of course.

Youtube video

Other demos

Toy Dream




Super Jello
